助教奖学金. 这些带薪职位是获得公共经验的好方法
服务,管理和博物馆领域,因为你获得了学位. 肯尼索州立
Aiding with and overseeing the museum’s daily operations including opening and closing the galleries; monitoring the art work and exhibitions during operating hours; welcoming and guiding museum guests; assisting with special programming and events; performing administrative tasks and research; conducting special tours; and assisting with exhibition installation and/or de-installation.
申请人必须目前就读于正规博彩十大网站排名, 符合我校人力资源部门的职位要求, 并且要有良好的学术成绩. 被选中的申请者将被要求同意接受犯罪背景调查,并遵守我校学生就业指导方针.
ZMA目前没有空缺职位. 请经常来这里查看
职位空缺的最新情况. 如果你有任何问题,请发邮件给霍雷肖Arias-Rodriguez
at hariasro@肯尼索.edu.